Zahr Albustan

With pride and dedication, we, Zahr Albustan Food Industries, are committed to delivering the highest levels of quality and innovation in the world of food. Since our establishment, we have relentlessly sought to meet customer aspirations and exceed their expectations by offering a diverse range of high-quality food products.

By blending deep expertise with cutting-edge technology, we manufacture our products with meticulous care to ensure the highest standards of quality and flavor. We care for every detail of the process, starting from selecting fresh raw materials to packaging in an appealing manner.

Our specialized team of scientists, engineers, and nutrition experts work diligently to develop innovative products that align with the evolving market needs. We place great emphasis on providing healthy and balanced options for consumers, enabling them to make sustainable and smart nutritional choices.

about zahr albustan

We believe in the importance of sustainable partnerships with local farmers and suppliers to ensure the availability of high-quality and sustainable raw materials. We strive to develop robust and reliable supply chains that promote sustainable development and bring about economic and social benefits.

We take pride in our heritage in the world of food industries and are committed to continuous innovation and improvement to continue delivering an exceptional culinary experience to our customers. Our vision reinforces our desire to be leaders in our industry and create a positive impact on the world through our products and endeavors.

Thank you for placing your trust in us and joining us on our journey to deliver the best we have to offer in the world of food.

Vision and values

To make a difference for a healthier society


We think of our employees as partners. Our work environment and culture incentivizes employees to:

Grow and learn from each other
Work as a family to achieve one goal
Take initiative and responsibility
Innovate in the workplace

Our Society

Everything we do is for a better and healthier society. We hope that we can work together to:

Create a prosperous, developed, and healthy society.
Promote a healthy lifestyle in families
Keep communication channels open with all our customers